South Western Sydney Region Inter-School Groups (ISGs)
All secondary schools in the South Western Sydney region have the opportunity to participate in their respective ISG meetings that are held each term. ISG meetings are coordinated and facilitated by the respective student welfare consultant for each school education group.
All high schools are invited to send four representatives to each meeting - preferably from years 9-11. Twio of these representatives are permanant members for the year and two will be rotational places open to other school SRC representatives.
School SRC coordinators can use the ISG permission note template to assist in there organisation of students found here ISG Permission Note (DOCX 293KB)
For more information on ISG meeting details please contact the respective student welfare consultant;
Bankstown/East Hills Schools - Wendy McKay 02 9408 8913
Campbelltown/Macarthur Schools - Sandra May 02 4633 2725
Fiarfield/Hoxton Schools - Ceclia Parada 02 8848 4929
Granville/Strathfield Schools - Jennifer Sheringham 02 9582 6323
Ingleburn/Liverpool Schools - Brogan Mulhall 02 9203 9920